





Dehydrated vegetable soup favored by white-collar workers

Don't go into the kitchen, don't buy dishes to wash dishes, simple boiling water to flush, take out delicious vegetable soup, convenient soup, etc. are favored by white-collar workers.
There are many instant dehydrated vegetable soups on the market now, including seaweed egg soup, shrimp seafood soup, hot and sour soup, mushroom soup, etc. After dehydration, cut into pieces, divided into small bags, use boiling water to brew water when eating, and quickly bulk vegetable cakes are absorbed and become vegetable soup. It tastes so good. It's almost the same soup you make now, two.
Cui Yuan understands that because many white-collar workers do not want to eat out in winter, they will choose simple dehydrated vegetable soup and make a delicious soup in 5 minutes. Many people feel cold, not only cold, but also need every family to wait in a long line in the office to be very busy, if it is simple, you can enjoy vegetable soup washed with warm water. This vegetable soup is rich in essential nutrients, to a certain extent, to ensure the nutritional intake.
In addition to processed vegetable soup, Cui Yuan thinks that it is also good for individuals not to use dehydrated vegetable seasonings to make simple salads. It is also good for several dehydrated vegetables such as carrots, lettuce and onions to be soaked and mixed with seasonings.